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This only effects website owners

We are aware of an issue involving website owners not being able to enter the editor portal. We are currently looking into this issue and will provide a fix once we have one.

After releasing the new Version 2.0 Update to the Public we have now updated our Editor Portal. The New Portal is Easier to Navigate and has 5 new features available to make your website stand out.

These new tools include

  • Drag & Drop Editor

  • Email Advertising Template

  • Invite Staff Members

  • Tablet & iPad Editor

  • Custom Domain Settings


This Version of Lynx Portal Requires Administrators Aproval

We've now resolved the issue with redirection to the old version of the website.

Now when logging into the Account it will direct you to the version 2.0 page instead of sending you to version 1.0 and not working.

Thanks for your patience

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